SHAMPOO PROBLEM!! geez.. the minds of kids these days... well it's been brought to my attention my another fellow blogger (I don't even remember whom) that they have a major stash (okay can we just call it what it is.. stock pile, stash, it's all the same, we're squirreling away these products like nuts! PUN INTENDED!!) anyway.. my husband comes home today to find another pile of shampoo/conditioner on the stairs waiting to be brought upstairs. The man shaves his head and looks at me and says "you have a normal amount of hair, I have no hair, your son who doesn't stay here 100% of the time just shaved his head.. who is going to use all this shampoo"
So I decided to gather all the evidence.. I put it all nicely together just to look at it.. I had meant to donate some of it recently and it never happened so it sat in bags on top of my husbands work bench in the garage for the past 2-3 weeks. So here I am to admit my poo problem. anyway.. so other bloggers have been talking about "no poo" meaning no shampoo. I've read several websites (google it you will find all sorts of articles) and as it turns out shampoo is bad for our hair! ughhh great. So from the girl who goes natural all the time with no make-up hearing this has perked her ears. I have given away more shampoo/conditioner than I care to admit and I just started hounding/couponing/playing the grocery/drug store game in June! I can't imagine what others have stashed in their houses... we could wash our hair for years on just what I have in my house now.. and if I do the calculations right.. I've gotten every bottle free! yikes..
Here is the pictures to show what I have.. like I said I'm sure there are many of you out there who have stashes much much larger.
my pert collection.. I was so proud when I found these for $1.99 and had $3 and $2 coupons.. one of my first FREEBIES!
BOGO COUPONS ARE EVEN SWEETER WITH BOGO SALES!! lol! I had a few other sets of these and I know I gave 1 set to my sister.. not sure about the others. I just got the pink set this week at Ulta... hmm
and of course the super star from today.. $3.99 each and I got $12 off in coupons plus $10 back from WAGS rebates! not a bad deal! so it cost me roughly what $2 for all of those.. so today I paid for half of a bottle of that shampoo and got the rest of everything else free! not bad!
Okay.. so the question at hand is................ WHAT DO ALL YOU DO WITH ALL THIS POO?
Haha... I have about that much too and I don't even use shampoo (or conditioner!). My 12 and 6 year old daughters recently stopped using shampoo and conditioner as well... My mom will probably take it and use it... at least I'll have more room on my "stockpile" shelf!!! :)
Melissa, I have the exact same stuff and I started in June as well! LOL
I use shampoo or conditioner instead of shaving cream (usually conditioner because well it conditions) but both work!
Also use diluted shampoo for handwashing clothes (my mom always did this, I know it sounds a little weird.)HTH!
I giggled once again when I saw your title...too cute!
i have 2 huge stashes of of cereal (15 boxes and it's just myself and my husband, and he rarely eats cereal) and about 25 bottles of shampoo & conditioner. oops. *look around*
I have 4 people in my house who use shampoo & conditioner. I just started playing this game in June & I have a major stockpile already. I also have a major stash of toothbrushes & toothpaste. But least we will all be squeaky clean!!!!!!!!!!
You can always donate it to the troops serving over seas.. They can use it and love to get it...there are also programs that you can adpot a solider.
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