Okay.. I had posted that I had bought some black (Jewel) reusable grocery bags for the ladies of my family. They have the pink breast cancer ribbon on them and I have planned on filling them with toiletries, cleaning products, and other small odds and ends I've found over the course of the months I've been hounding.
So my question today is this... what should I use to give the boys of our families their goodies? I had found $2 clearance laundry bags at Jewel but I figured that no boy is going to use a laundry bag anyway. I would like to go with the same "reusable" something idea for each of them and also something that they would have to actually open and take each product out to find out exactly what was in each bag.
Is there a masculine looking reusable grocery bag anyone has seen? or any other idea of something that would be big enough to hold deodorant, shower gel, and other goodies?
P.S. I only paid 70 cents for each of the girls bags so I was hoping to stay in that same range. Let me know what you come up with. Does Home Depot have bags? hmmmm What about Trader Joe's bags, how much are those? I think the Ikea blue plastic type bags might be too big and what man would reuse that? Where else have you seen any reusable bag that a man would use?
03/09 - 03/15 walgreens flyer
1 day ago
How about a mens's toiletry travel bag? DH has one that he uses on our plane trips. Check Walmart for decently priced ones.
hmmm not sure if that would be big enough for all the goodies I plan on putting in them...
How about something from this site?
Melisa the Pron is Promotional. It didn't come all through.
yeah I looked at sites like this (I googled "reusable grocery bag") and the minimums you have to buy is normally 50 and they are well over a few dollars EACH.
I like Target's bags, I think they are $1.50. They are red and white so they are gender neutral :)
I'm pretty sure Lowes has reusable bags now. Those would probably look pretty manly. I love the idea for your gifts!
Even if you didn't want to use a reusable bag how about a tool belt or something. You know the tie kind as I don't think they are much and have pockets. Just a thought as something different. Not sure how much you are planning on putting in them, but you could put that in a brown paper handled bag as my husband just wouldn't use a reusable grocery bag (would forget it).
I know we don't live in the same area, but at my grocery store I saw Boston Red Sox reusable bags...maybe you could find some sports team bags somewhere?
re: Laurie's post: my cvs has red sox bags for 99 cents?
Or you could put them in a cheap or homemade pillowcase (esp for the little boys)or even a heavy duty contractors bag?
I've seen red sox and patriots bags at CVS, what about that?
hmm I live in the Chicago area and have not seen Cubs or White Sox bags at CVS in the past.. that's weird.. if I did I would go for those for sure.
What about a bucket {if they wash there cars it may come in handy/????? just a thought. Love your idea and may be doing the same I have 4 men to buy for. So will see.
Hello my friend! How about a garbage can or a 5 gallon bucket?
I'm going to Ikea today so I'm gonna look around for something like a garbage/bucket type thing.. or maybe they'll have some sort of bag there?
Also our Steve & Berry's is going out of business.. I"m gonna stop there and see what they have.
HomeDepot has reuseable bags that we paid 99 cents for. My husband doesn't use them to shop but he does pack stuff to go camping in. . .
funny you posted this.. I did a little "research" on Thursday/Friday hunting out some stores that might have some possibilties.. and actually the home depot bags are perfect! They even have a way to close them and lock them closed! no grocery bag has that and they stretch open. Another great use for those would be trick or treat bags!
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