Hey guys.. sorry I've been MIA again. I *just* heard Edy's is doing their "why my neighborhood rocks" block party contest again this year. I won 2 years ago and also convinced a few of my neighbors to enter. My neighborhood was lucky enough that we had 2 winners, myself and one other neighborhood so we got double the ice cream and products.
Basically to enter, write a story about your neighborhood and enter it to EDY'S ICE CREAM BLOCK PARTY. It's easy to enter and surprisingly I won.
About 4 days before my party I recieved a box filled with dry ice and I believe 12 different selections of Edy's slow churned ice cream.
me and the other winner in our neighborhood Erika
It's worth it to write up something about your neighborhood and at least try.. plus it's a good excuse to get people out of their houses to eat some yummy free ice cream! :)
02/23 - 03/01 walgreens flyer & codes
7 hours ago
HOLY CRAP!! I'm coming to your house for dessert!!!
Oh the competition is ON! I didn't even know about this last year which is why your neighborhood won by default
That is so neat that you won! Thanks for sharing the contest.
yummy I cant wait hope i win
that is awesome that you won all that ice cream!!
I wish you lived in my neighborhood!!
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